For Dogs and Cats
1. Ascertain requirements of the airlines;
2. Present identification of pet dog or cat with ISO compliant microchip/RFID (radio-frequency identification);
3. Request a PET EXPORT CERTIFICATE from an authorized/licensed veterinarian in Italy or the local Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) - dated within 30 days of arrival in the Philippines;
4. Present an import permit issued by the Philippine Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), which has to be requested from the BAI and issued by the BAI prior to travel to the Philippines. This can be obtained from or may be obtained as follows:
Procedure in applying for Import Permit:
1. Write to the Director of the Bureau of Animal Industry for issuance of Import Permit. In the application letter, indicate the number of animals to be imported, the sex, age and breed; and also the indicative date of arrival in the Philippines, mode of transport (aircraft/vessel) and flight number /vessel name
Contact details:
Bureau of Animal Industry
Department of Agriculture
Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City
Tel. no. +632 9282743 or 9282836
Fax no. +632 9270031 or 9266866
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. To apply online for an import permit for pet dogs and cats, please visit the official website of the Department of Agriculture,
3. Upon receipt of the application, the BAI will process and issue the Import Permit and immediately send the same to the applicant via mail, email or facsimile
4. Payment of Import Permit Issuance Fee of PhP100.00 and Quarantine Inspection Fee orLanding Permit Fee of PhP250.00 will be made to the Quarantine Office upon arrival at the port of entry
Note: Dogs and cats imported without the required identification will be declined entry and returned to its origin. All costs incurred will be shouldered by the importer.
1 Also referred to as the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Import Clearance (SPSIC) issued by the National Veterinary
Quarantine Services Division (NVQSD) of the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI)