The Philippine Consular General in Milan (Milan PCG) on Sunday, 25 November 2018, undertook its last mobile consular mission for 2018 in Ferrara, Italy.
The activity, organized in cooperation with the Filipino Association of Ferrara (FAF), was held at Via Canapa 4.
While in Ferrara, Milan PCG rendered services to a total of 173 clients from Emilia Romagna and Veneto regions including, among others, application for passport, civil registry documents and notarials.
As part of its efforts to make its services more accessible to Filipinos in its jurisdiction, Milan PCG conducted a total of 18 MCMs for the year 2018. The Consulate also opened for two (2) Sundays – one in July and another in October and conducted mobile e-passport releasing activities in Genova (October 2018) and Modena (November 2018).




Milan PCG’s consular team in action during the mobile consular mission at Via Canapa 4, Ferrara, Italy, on 25 November 2018


Members of the team from Milan PCG joined officials and members of the Filipino Association of Ferrara (FAF) at the conclusion of the mobile consular mission in Ferrara on 25 November 2018.